Berkeley International is a
specialist in sourcing products worldwide. |
Our Team for barley |
Barley is produced in many
different countries and is used in a wide variety of
products. Below is an introduction from a senior USA
barley specialist who has done much research on the
different grades and types.
Barley FAQ's |
What is the
difference between a 2-row and 6-row barley? |
This is a story of
seeds, heads, history, and perceptions. 2-row barley has
2 rows of seed on each spike (head) and 6-row barley has
6 rows of seed on each spike (head). Botanically speaking, a
2-row has 1 fertile floret per rachis node and a 6-row has 3
fertile florets per rachis node. Two genes control the
trait: VRS1 and INT-C. VRS1 is
cloned and the cloning of INT-C will
soon be announced. Wild barley is
2-row. The 6-row trait was selected shortly after
domestication. The current geographic distributions of 2-row
and 6-row varieties (and perceptions regarding their
suitability for different end uses) are largely accidents of
history. |
Is 2-row barley better
for malting than
6-row barley? |
Better is all in the
eye of the maltster/brewer and not the beholder. There is no absolute
relationship between row type and quality. For the purposes
of making fine beer, there are great (and terrible) 2-rows
and there are great (and terrible) 6-rows. With a suitably
plump 6-row, there no way to look at a malting quality
parameter spec sheet and know if the data are from a 2-row
or a 6-row. Likewise, just knowing the spike type of a
variety will not tell you if that variety would make great,
middling, or awful malt.
Is malting with
winter 6-row an abomination? -we can send file which
examines this question |
What is the difference between
hulled, hull-less,
and pearled barley? |
Barley grain
comes off the plant in two “styles”: with adhering hulls and
without adhering hulls. One gene (NUD)
determines whether or not the hulls (lemma and palea) adhere
to the grain. If the hulls adhere, the barley is
(correctly) termed “hulled”. Most barley varieties
in most of the world are hulled. The hulls can be removed by
vigorous mechanical abrasion, in which case the barley is
“pearled”. If the hulls do not adhere, the barley is
said to be hull-less (or naked). At first glance, hull-less barley looks
like wheat. On closer inspection, there are subtle
differences in grain shape and size. Hull-less barley varieties
were formerly found in far corners of the world (such as the
Himalayas and Andes) where barley
remained a key part
of human diets. With the burgeoning interest in whole grains
(and a desire to dispense with pearling), there are more
hull-less varieties available. Hull-less barley requires
twice the cooking time (and liquid) as pearled barley.
Hulled, pearled, and
hull-less barley grain
all contain beta-glucan, a source of soluble dietary fiber
that is responsible for lowering cholesterol. The Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) ruled in 2006 that barley foods
may carry a health claim specific to soluble fiber and
coronary heart disease. Qualifying products may use the
following claim: “Soluble
fiber from foods such as [name of food], as part of a diet
low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of
heart disease. A serving of [name of food] supplies [x]
grams of the soluble fiber necessary per day to have this
effect.” Pearled barley has
about the same cooking time as rice. Hull-less barley requires
twice the cooking time (and liquid) as pearled barley.
the term “hulled” is sometimes (and confusingly) used to
describe barley grain
that has been “de-hulled”. That is, the grain had an
adhering hull which was removed. Keep it simple – use the
term hulled to refer to barley grain
with the hull on!
What is the difference between
a malting barley variety
and a feed variety? |
Barley malt
is the perfect combination of starch, enzymes, flavors, and
aromas for brewing, distilling, baked goods, cereals and
confections. There are many types of barley malt
– from light to dark – but all are produced by variations on
two principal themes: germination and kilning. Different
end-uses require different malt quality specifications.
There are rigorous certification processes to certify that
varieties are suitable for malting.
Some of the principal characteristics used to define malting quality
are protein (low, moderate, or high), malt extract (high) ,
enzyme activity (moderate to high), and beta
(low). In general, malt barley commands
a premium over feed barley,
but yield less.
Feed barley is
food for animals. Extensive research has documented that
varieties differ in their feeding properties and that some
varieties are excellent feed for ruminant and non-ruminant
animals. Be careful with barley and
chickens, unless you want to deal with "sticky droppings".
Unfortunately, feed barley is
generally not accorded the respect it deserves in feed
markets: it is simply sold by the ton, with a minimum
specification for test weight and perhaps kernel plumpness.
Feed barley prices
are often so low that farmers will grow any other crop - if
they can do so. As a consequence, barley’s
adaptability to extreme climates makes it an important feed
grain only in areas where other feed grains, like maize,
have difficulty growing. A unique type of feed barley has
hoods, rather than awns. Hooded types are usually cut at the
soft dough stage for hay or silage. The lack of awns allows
makes for lip-smacking eating.
A rule of thumb is
that good malt barley is
good feed barley,
but not the reverse. Of course, if only feed barley was
available, enterprising folks would make learn to make
decent malt from it. Many genes determine malting and
feed quality; two genes determine the hooded vs.
What is the
difference between winter and spring barley? |
Growth habit of barley is
simple to describe but harder to define. There are three
growth habit classes – winter, facultative and spring. A
winter barley is
planted in late fall and is harvested the following summer
(e.g. 9-10 months from planting to harvest). A spring barley is
planted in the spring and harvested the same summer (e.g. 4
– 5 months). If you plant a winter
barley in
spring, it will not flower, or it will flower so late that
the yield will be abysmal. If you plant a spring barley in
the fall, it will (in many temperate environments) die from
low temperature injury. A facultative barley can
be planted in the spring or the fall. Growth habit is
controlled by many genes but there are three principal
physiological traits involved: vernalization sensitivity,
photoperiod sensitivity, and low temperature tolerance.
Vernalization sensitivity means the plant needs exposure to
low temperature before it can flower. Winter barleys are
vernalization-sensitive whereas facultative and spring types
are not. Photoperiod sensitivity means the plant will not
flower until the day length reaches a critical threshold
(usually greater than 12 hrs). Many winter barleys, most
facultative barleys, and few spring barleys are sensitive to
short days. Low temperature tolerance is an induced trait.
Winter and facultative barleys are more cold tolerant than
spring barleys. The three traits are correlated (e.g. many
cold tolerant barley varieties
are vernalization- and photoperiod-sensitive. But,
correlation, as they say, is not necessarily causation. An
advantage to planting in the fall (with winter or
facultative varieties) is that irrigation is not needed or
required to get maximum yield. In the Willamette Valley,
Mother Nature does the watering for you. The end uses of barley (feed,
food, and malt) are independent of growth habit. In other
words, there are winter, facultative, and spring varieties
with the attributes you want. |
2 row barley |
6 row barley |
This used in alcoholic
drinks such as whisky and beer. There are many different types and
grades of malting barley. |
malting barley -
Canada origin |
Feed Barley is the grade which is used in
Animal Feed. |
Berkeley International |
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