1.Baked food
Reduce the hydrophobic nature of flour dough, prevent
ageing, bring back to life, improve expanding
properties and lessen oil penetration.
Regulate viscosity, prevent surface efflorescence,
increase smooth finish and shape preserving ability,
and improve mouth solubility and mouth feel.
Prevent crystallization of granulated sugar, increase
moistening effects, make the surface smooth and non
sticky, improve the smoothness of mouth feel.
4.Chewing gum
Help to keep the gums moist, improve flexibility and
chewing mouth feel, prevent from sticking to teeth.
cream and shortening Stimulate emulsification and
dispersion, improve shortening property and prevent
6. Aquatic
products and chicken Quicken the formation of new cells,
promote the growth of animals, fowls, fish and shrimps,
and improve fat metabolism and absorption.
7. Feedstuff for
pigs Improve immunity, and supply choline, inosite,
prerequisite fatty acid and other