Berkeley International is a specialist in sourcing products worldwide.
Our contact for manganese ore  - John Eyton  


Item    Expected (%)     Guaranteed (%) Rejection (%)
Mn        44 43min           below 42
SiO2   3.01      3.1max        over 3.50
Al2O3  2.94   2.99max    over 3.00
Fe     1.95       2.0max       over 2.10
S       0.09    0.1max      over 0.10
P      0.023        0.03max     over 0.04
Moisture 8% at 105 degrees centigrade.
Size 10 - 120 mm, 90% min


If you have a request for manganese ore, please use the format below
product manganese ore
specifications please show basic information such as 42%
detailed specifications please send them as an attachment
preferred origin ??
amount ??
delivery port ??
do you have a price target ??
is your company the end buyer ??
please copy and paste the request and send by email to John Eyton
Berkeley International                 F-13A-02 Metropolitan Square, Damansara Perdana,              47820 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia Phone  +603 7731 2242